Last week we started our work in Adami Tullu, Ethiopia. We started collecting mosquitoes, a work which involves walking around in the villages. Over the last year, bednets have been distributed, and most households should own at least one net (and maybe they do). We were able to see some of the nets; used as they should be used, as curtains, in fences, protecting trees and bushes, and used to store food and grass. We were also told by the people, rats taking parts of the nets to build nests is a big problem. Below are some pictures of alternative bednet use.
![Bednets used to keep bugs or cattle away from trees](
![Bednets are perfect for storing grass. Here in a tree. 2013-06-20-347](
![Is the net used to keep burs away from the chili, or just stored in a convenient place? 2013-06-22-368](